7 Incredible Health Benefits of Hare Pose (Shashankasana)

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By Rishikul Yogshala

February 28, 2019

Shashankasana resembles a ‘Hare’ in its final stages and hence the name. Since it has a calming effect on the body and mind, it is also called Sashankasana, Sashanka meaning moon in Sanskrit. It is a popular posture to cure any back related troubles and when practiced regularly can be a boon to tired backs and those with back-related pain. It is a beginner’s pose and can be performed by all age groups.

How to get into this pose

  1. Start with the tabletop pose.
  2. Upon sitting comfortably place the buttocks on the calf muscles and hands comfortably resting on the thighs.
  3. Arms in line with the shoulders, now slowly raise your arms above your head and keep them pointing upwards with your spine straight.
  4. Pushing through your palm, roll your buttocks under slightly. Feel a nice stretch to the shoulders, making the upper back area flexible.
  5. Bending forward place the hands and forehead on the ground in front. Keep a straight posture at all times.
  6. Shoulders to be rolled back and arms behind your back touching both the feet.
  7. The forehead should be touching the ground.
  8. The back is arched and the shoulders rolled. Hold the position for at least a minute and slowly release.

After learning about how to practice the pose, it is time to learn about the health benefits of Hare pose.

7 Health Benefits of Sashankasana

  1. Blood circulation keeps the body youthful and energetic – Sashankasana is excellent since it promotes the flow of blood to the head and provides nourishment to the eyes and all functions related to the brain. When practiced regularly, it can be a boost for students and working people alike.
  2. Fatigue is kept at bay and head related ailments subside – Because of a reverse flow of blood to the brains, the nerves to the brains are invigorated and the body functions better with optimum energy. The daily grind of everyday life is a thing of the past when this posture is practiced regularly.
  3. Depression or mental disorders take a backseat – For those suffering from chronic depression or mental issues, this asana can offer the much needed calmness to the head whilst soothing the nerves of the brain. Since the pose also resembles the fetal position, it builds a sense of security and surrender. For those with emotional balance issues, this pose is recommended to deal with anger and frustration.
  4. Aids in concentration and focus – Among the numerous benefits of Shashankasana, it is crucial to mention that the pose also increases concentration and focus. When the pose is practiced there’s a constant flow of blood to the shoulders and neck region. As a result, the mind is agile and flexible and can apply itself to anything at any time.
  5. Strengthens hamstrings, back and hip flexors – The asana makes the body more flexible and provides a good stretch to the thorax and navel. Back is stretched completely and toned as a result of this exercise. It tones the pelvic muscles as well and relieves sciatic pain.
  6. Complete relaxation for the anterior muscles -The whole spine and muscles of the back relax in this position and it helps deepen the breath which in turn helps the lungs to function better. The daily practice of the Hare pose also enhances the functions of both the male and female reproductive organs.
  7. Digestive Muscles get a good massage because of abdominal breathing – The muscles that aid in digestion get a good massage and are invigorated. The breath deepens and the body as a result, gets a chance to relax completely. It regulates the metabolism, cures constipation and helps one lose weight.

Who Should Avoid this Pose?

  • People with a knee injury, spinal, shoulder injury or neck pain should avoid this posture.
  • Patients with osteoarthritis should do this with caution.
  • Pregnant women must avoid this asana at all costs.
  • In case of neck injury, one should not look at the floor and keep the head at a neutral position.

Tips to Reap the Benefits of Hare Pose

Make sure to perform this asana on an empty stomach and with bowels cleared to reap full health benefits of Hare pose. It is advisable to have the last meal at least four to six hours before performing the asana. After complete digestion of the food, there’s enough energy left in the body to use during the practice of the asana.

Variations of Sashankasana

Given the flexibility of this asana, there are various variations and one of them is by placing the hands at the back rather than placing them at the front.

Precautions to Follow During the Practice

In the final stages, the buttocks touch the heels and lifting of buttocks to touch the forehead to the ground is not permitted. It is recommended to move as far as comfortable without giving undue strain to the body and without moving it.

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