The Sacred Mayurasana: Unlocking the Power of the Peacock Pose
Introduction to Mayurasana

Rooted in the 5,000-year-old text, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Mayurasana, or Peacock Pose, symbolizes love, spirituality, and awakening. As one of the advanced arm-balancing yoga poses, it involves holding the earth with both hands while the navel rests on the elbows. This sacred pose is said to result in radiant health and make the deadly Kalakuta poison digestible.
When to Practice the Peacock Pose
Mayurasana for beginners can be challenging but rewarding, as it builds core strength, improves balance, and enhances focus. Start with preparatory poses to ease into this arm-balancing pose safely and effectively. The Peacock Pose can be practiced either in the middle or at the end of a yoga sequence, including Surya Namaskar, seated, and standing poses. Preparing your body and mind with poses like Locust Pose (Salabhasana) and Scale Pose (Tolasana) can help you achieve this advanced pose.
How to Perform the Peacock Pose
- Kneel on a yoga mat with your knees wide and sit on your heels.
- Lean forward from the hips and press your palms into the floor.
- Ensure your fingers point towards your torso.
- Bend your elbows to a right angle, resting your front torso on your upper arms and the sides of your navel on your elbows.
- Straighten your legs behind you and place the tops of your feet on the ground.
- Maintain firm pressure of the elbows against your stomach.
- Position your legs and torso parallel to the floor and look forward.
Using Yoga Props for the Peacock Pose
- If your elbows slide apart when you bend them, secure them with a yoga strap positioned above your elbows.
- If placing the tops of your feet on the floor is challenging, rest them on yoga blocks placed at the end of your mat.
- Before reaching the final position, lower your forehead onto a blanket. Later, lift your head and look forward.
7 Incredible Health Benefits of Mayurasana (Benefits of Peacock Pose)
- Strengthens Digestive Fire: The navel, regarded as the home of digestive fire in yogic tradition, benefits from the elbow pressure in Mayurasana pose, enhancing digestion and overall health.
- Ignites Transformations: Strong digestion fosters emotional and spiritual growth. The Peacock Pose helps eliminate toxins and encourages positive attributes such as enthusiasm and self-confidence.
- Tones Abdominal Muscles and Organs: The pose stimulates the nerve plexus and abdominal organs, toning muscles and strengthening organs like the liver, spleen, and pancreas.
- Strengthens Wrists and Forearms: Balancing on your upper arms and engaging your forearms strengthens these often-neglected areas.
- Stimulates Manipura Chakra: The Manipura chakra, located above the navel, is activated during the pose, promoting clarity, self-assurance, and bliss.
- Awakens Kundalini: Practicing Mayurasana helps awaken Kundalini energy, inspiring spiritual and emotional transformation.
- Promotes a Healthy Torso and Legs: The pose strengthens your back torso and legs, contributing to overall wellness and an attractive appearance.
Cautions of Mayurasana
- Avoid practicing Mayurasana pose after abdominal surgery due to the pressure applied to the stomach.
- Consult a doctor if you have hypertension or glaucoma before performing this pose.
- Individuals with wrist or elbow injuries should avoid this pose because of the intense involvement of these body parts.
- Pregnant women and those menstruating should refrain from practicing Mayurasana.
Embrace the power and grace of the Peacock Pose with Mayurasana, and experience the transformative benefits it offers. Whether you’re aiming to enhance digestion, stimulate energy centres, or strengthen key muscle groups, this advanced pose can play a vital role in your yoga practice. For more information on integrating Mayurasana into your routine, explore our Yoga Teacher Training in India, 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, and 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India. Discover more about holistic practices by joining our Ayurveda Retreat or Yoga Retreat.