How To Continue Practicing Yoga During The Summers And Why One Should Not Stop?

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By Rishikul Yogshala

July 15, 2024

Embracing Yoga in the Summer: Tips to Stay Motivated

April often marks a fresh start for many who resolve to embrace yoga after a winter hiatus. After months of cozy sweatshirts and occasional studio visits, the arrival of warmer weather reminds us that it’s time to get back in shape. As we slip into our workout clothes and step outside, the early morning sun quickly warms the city, making us long for the cooler days of winter.

Once we reach the studio, the heat can make workouts feel more challenging. The sweat, dehydration, and added strain from high temperatures can make even the simplest postures seem overwhelming. However, staying motivated during the summer is crucial, and with the right strategies, you can maintain your yoga practice despite the heat.

Choose a West-Facing Location for Outdoor Practice

If you practice yoga outdoors, select a spot that avoids direct sunlight. In the morning, a west-facing location surrounded by greenery can provide a cooler and more organic environment for your practice.

Opt for Less Strenuous Poses

In hot weather, choose poses that are less demanding on your body. Floor twists, forward folds, and supported shoulder stands are great options that help maintain your skin’s pH balance while reducing fatigue. Remember to keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated.

Experiment with Time Slots

Morning practitioners should aim to reach the studio before dawn, ensuring you’re done before the sun’s heat intensifies. If you prefer evenings, consider practicing yoga near dusk to avoid peak temperatures.

Update Your Workout Wardrobe

Swap out your winter gear for summer-friendly attire. Opt for shorts, tank tops, and racerbacks to stay comfortable and cool during your practice.

Try Sheetali Yoga for Instant Cool Down

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If you feel overheated, the ancient ‘Sheetali’ yoga technique can provide quick relief. This technique helps cool your body down and can make you feel better within moments.

Staying motivated during the summer can be challenging, but with these tips, you can maintain your yoga practice and continue to benefit from it. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks if needed, but staying active will help you keep your glow and energy levels up.


For more information on practicing yoga during the summer, consider exploring our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, or 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training in India. Additionally, our Ayurveda Retreat in India and Yoga Retreat in India offer great opportunities to enhance your practice.

Stay motivated, stay healthy, and keep shining!

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